About Me

My name is Jess Rodger. I am a writer (of chick-lit mostly, but have been known to pen the occasional shopping list), reader, cinefile and generally well-behaved human being. I am also a kiwi living in New Zealand, which is, I assure you, the best little country in the world.

In September 2012 I decided that people – other than my friends, family, and Muppet plushes – might find my random commentary on anything and everything, from music, tv, books and film to politics and pets, slightly entertaining. Hence ‘And Stuff Like This’ was born. I hope you enjoy it 🙂

By the way, when it comes to TV, book and film reviews, I will be using the M&M rating system – in honour of my cinema snack of choice. So, 0 M&Ms means don’t see/watch this thing even if someone is pointing a gun at you, and 5 M&Ms means go and see it/read it RIGHT NOW.

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